The Joseph J. Clinton Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 399 hosted our 21st consecutive monthly Red Cross Blood Drive on Wednesday, April 13th!  Blood and blood products help the American Red Cross support life-saving surgeries and procedures for preemie babies, people with cancer, transplant recipients, trauma patients and others.  Once again, we thank everyone for their contribution and support of this important community program by helping us exceed our drive donation goals with 68 registered donors.
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We are asking for your support in our upcoming Joseph J. Clinton VFW Post 399 Annual Charity Golf Tournament to help the veteran community.   The tournament will be held at the Longshore Golf Course in Westport on Monday, June 13th 2022. Our tournament has been increasingly successful each year due to the overwhelming success of our raffle, as well as our silent auction – generating thousands of dollars for veterans and local community!

We are seeking items for our prize tables and hole sponsorship .We also provide a fantastic experience for all of our golfers, including individual giveaways for each golfer, we are always looking for giveaway items!

There are several levels of sponsorship available ranging from $500 – $5000.
Breakfast/lunch sponsor, gift sponsor, cart sponsor, hole sponsor to name a few can provide companies with maximum recognition and advertising!

Please accept our sincere appreciation for your support of VFW Post 399.  If you are available, VFW Post 399,, (non profit 501(c)(19) EIN 06-6146182) would be honored to provide you with a tour anytime.  If you have tournament questions, please contact Eddie Cribari at 203-451-0644 or email

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Jazz Returns To Westport beginning

April 7th at the Post!
465 Riverside Ave, Westport, CT
see below for an
important message from the Jazz Rabbi

April 7:
Kenny Wessel and the Jazz Rabbi meet
Steve Johns and Dave Richards

April 28:

May 5 and 26 artists TBA
Weekly performances ASAP!

Thursday, April 7
Thursday, April 28
7:30PM and 9:00PM
465 Riverside Ave, Westport, CT
(203) 227-6796

The new Jazz room at Post 399

Dear Friends,
Words cannot describe the toll the past two years of pandemic living have taken on all of us. Even if we managed to stay healthy, the loss of security, the loss of community and the loss of spirit has weakened all of us.
Thankfully, the worst seems to be behind, and many of us have survived seemingly intact. Unfortunately, the service and hospitality professions, and the arts, vital to our quality of life, have taken a major hit. Actors, dancers and musicians, all dependent on a paying audience to make their living have been severely affected, and as the dust settles many fine institutions and venues are no longer with us.
Here in Westport, we felt the loss of our regular Thursday jazz performances on the water, and especially the sense of community as we would gather each week to nourish our souls with great jazz by some of the best in the New York area.

Your friends from JazzFC are committed to keeping live jazz music a regular part of life in Westport, and giving our famous piano a new home as soon as possible, where it will be played weekly. Our friends at the Post (VFW Post 399 in Westport) have a nice facility with river views, and are willing to work with us to create a new home for jazz in time for the lovely warm spring and summer nights. They have not previously presented music, so this will be a new experience for all.

Please come on out, and bring friend or two, as we look forward to spending time together again on Thursday nights.

Remember- it’s up to YOU to support live Jazz in Westport- It don’t support itself, and it sure as hell don’t support us!

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