About Us
Established by eleven World War 1 veterans, VFW Post 399 has been the heart and soul of the veteran community and a Westport institution since April 27th 1920. Named for World War 1 veteran, Private Joseph J. Clinton from Westport who was killed in France just 4 days before the armistice. It wasn’t until March of 1948 that the Post had a permanent home in Westport. On this date, Mrs. Augusta Clinton Gaffney bequeath, in her will, her home and property on South Compo Road to VFW Post 399. Mrs. Gaffney was the mother of Private Joseph J. Clinton. VFW Post 399 relocated to the present Riverside Avenue location at the junction of Saugatuck Avenue, across from Treadwell Avenue in 1971.
The Joseph J. Clinton VFW Post 399 is committed to making a meaningful and positive contribution to the veterans and families that have served our country with honor. We strongly support other veteran organizations to help build bridges and improve the lives of veterans throughout the community. We are part of the national Veterans of Foreign Wars organization and are a 501(c)(19) Non-Profit charity.
Our 100th Anniversary!
Here is the newspaper of the Westport VFW’s first Anniversary:
The Bio of Private Joseph Jerome Clinton
Here is the Bio of Private Joseph Jerome Clinton:
Historic photo of 1951 VFW Post 399 4th Annual Clam Bake. Courtesy of the John J. Kondub Family - Life member VFW Post 399
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Original Image

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Left to Right
Bottom Row:
Tom Ball, Morris Gilbertie, Jim Dorta, Ira Smith, __________, Tom Gates, Orlando Digisi, Tony Conte Sr., Bob Skinner, Bil Guyaz, Gliff Hills, Clam Baco Joe, Mike Dombrowski
Second Row: Peter Palmar, Dominick Sarno, Ed Kowalsky, Paul Lenore, Ben Palmer, Elmer Sniffen, John Chuka, Art Brown, Dan Purchell Sr., Don Logan, Sam Luciano, Tony Luciano, Carmen Gilbertie, Burt Wakeman
Third Row: Peter Guglieri, Nick Gilbertie, Antonio Garusone, _________, _________, Paquette, Mickey Allen, _________
Fourth Row: John Aulenit, Stew Hemson, Roger Fitch, John Guidera, Marty Allen, Hallowell, Ed Coyle, Butch Allen, Frank Hoffel, _________, Peter J. Romano, Walter Crager, Ralph Balucci, _________, Joe Carusone
Back Rows: John Kondub, Tony Slez, Art Benos, Chick Powers, Angelo Palmer, Ben Palmer, George Cuseo, Michael Pascale, Tony Cutrone, Al Montano, Tony Muccio, Nin Arciola, Joe Marchese, Tony Carusone