Our World War II veterans are almost gone.
But the wars kept coming: Korea. Vietnam. The Gulf. Iraq. Afghanistan.
Over all those years, Westporters have served their country.
Yesterday, in a simple but meaningful service, our town paid tribute to those men and women.
VFW Joseph J. Clinton Post 399 helped sponsor the ceremonies. Speakers included master of ceremonies Judge Edward Karazin (a member of the Connecticut Veterans Hall of Fame), 1st Selectwoman Jen Tooker, and Staples High School senior Alessandro Alderucci.
Some veterans wore their uniforms. Others dressed more informally. Those who could, stood up straight.
All sat or stood proudly.
Look at their eyes, in the remarkable photos from Ted Horowitz — himself a former member of the Army Reserves — below. They tell you all you need to know about the importance of Veterans Day.
And the service of our veterans.
(All photos copyright Ted Horowitz)